Social Services | Judicial Centers | Libraries | Emergency Services | Tax Offices
We help local, state, and federal staff throughout Connecticut and Western Massachusetts to cost-effectively keep important documents in motion and away from prying eyes.
New print and scan technologies can be helpful, but they can also be harmful. You need a partner who understands how to improve printing, scanning, and document archival in the most cost-effective, efficient, and secure ways and means.
If not now, set a reminder. The Office Works will help you to be proactive about cost-saving approaches customized to your needs.
When the time is right, The Office Works wants to help you improve how your office prints, scans, and archive documents in a way that also keeps your IT department happy.
Intelligent architecture from The Office Works will:
Did you know that the Procurement Director of The State of Connecticut authorized a NASPO ValuePoint contract? As a participating dealer, The Office Works can dramatically streamline your purchasing process and give you control over the design and management of your document management hardware and software.